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Facts You Need To Know About Liposuction


It is in liposuction that you will be able to remove excess fats in order for you to have a better body contour. Regardless if diet and exercise, there are body parts that tend  to deposit more fats and they are  hard to  get rid off. With the help of liposuction, you will be able to remove these stubborn fatty cells. You will be able to choose from a number of different types of liposuction. You can choose from UAL or ultrasound assisted lipoplasty, VASER, tumescent technique, super wet technique and the PAL or the power assisted lipoplasty. Patients will have  a better results  and   a faster recovery  with the  help of these procedures.


Whatever your age is, you can take advantage of the procedure. It is the younger ones that will be able to get the best results from the surgery as they have tighter and elastic skin. But, it is important for you to know that liposuction is never a substitute for  weight loss. If you have cellulite, liposuction is also not recommended as a treatment. The procedure aims to remove excess fats  that cannot be removed by diet and exercise. It is crucial that you will still maintain a healthy diet with a good exercise regimen in order to have the best results. Know more about tummy tuck Honolulu.


Depending on the surgeon, the operation can be done in an office, clinic or a surgery center. If there is only a small fat  that will be removed, the patient can be under local anesthesia only. Once a local anesthesia is used, the part that will be operated will be numb. But, if the area that will be operated is quite large, then a general anesthesia will be used. There will be an anesthesiologist that  will be present in the procedure of  general anesthesia will be  utilized. The patient will remain asleep the whole procedure. Check out the breast augmentation Honolulu for more info.


The patient will be monitored  closely once the procedure has been done. The patient will be able to bring home  medications in order  for them to  control the post-operative pain that they will feel. The area  that was operated will be covered  with elastic  bondage. The an elastic bandage will  remain until your surgeons tells you  so. How to remove your  elastic  bandage will be instructed to you by your surgeon if, for example, you will be taking a bath. Depending on how extensive the operation  is, patients  will be allowed to go home  after  or they may be able to  stay  overnight.


After the day of the operation, you will be encouraged to move around in order to improve circulation. You  will not  be permitted to take any anti-inflammatory medication after the surgery. After the surgery, smoking will not be permitted. There will be redness and bruising that will appear after the surgery.  The swelling will slowly subside after a few weeks. There will be numbness on the area that was operated. After 5-7  days, the stitches that was used will be removed.

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